Saturday, November 2, 2019

NAG sees some progress

Moratorium on the Issuance of Building Permits for DAF Storage Tanks

During the October 1, 2019 County Council meeting the council voted in favor of Legislative Bill no. 2019-07: – An Act to Impose and Declare a Moratorium on the Issuance of Building Permits for an Agricultural Storage Tank which will Store Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) Washdown Water from a Rendering Process Pursuant to Wicomico County Code Chapters 225, 125 and 128.
The bill can be seen in its entirety here.
It is noted that this moratorium does not cover the tank that is planned for Porter Mill Road or the spreading of DAF on fields. NAG supported this legislation, but is not satisfied with only this temporary stay and continues to work toward the halt on the Porter Mill tank and further study of the effects of DAF on the health of humans and the environment.
Here is the story as seen on delarva now

NAG needs your story!
If If you or anyone you know would tell us their DAF story, please call Lynette Kenney (410-726-8544) or Cindy Daugherty (443-859-2027) (or use the "Contact the Editor" form on the right) and tell them how this product has impacted you, your family or your business. 

NAG needs your contributions for our legal fund
All donations will be kept anonymous and our books are open to show how we spend your money. Please make your check payable to NAG and send it to:
24790 Porter Mill Road
Hebron MD 21830

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