Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Considerable Updates

Hello. Hopefully this post will update everyone on what's been happening with the storage tank and what NAG has been doing. The tank is up and is being used to store DAF even though we were told from the very beginning that the tank was not going to be used between mid December through February.

We have an upcoming hearing in a couple of weeks in the county circuit court to consider our appeal of the permit for the tank. At this time I do not know if the hearing will be open to all interested parties or if there is a limit due to social distancing. I will post more information as it becomes available. 

We still need help paying legal fees and would appreciate any amount you can spare. Contributions to the Neighborhood Action Group should be sent to:
24790 Porter Mill Road
Hebron MD 21830

All contributions will remain anonymous and our books are open to show how we spend your money.

If you have not seen the tank yet, you should drive down Porter Mill Road (just about 4 miles from Rt 50) and take a look at the scope of this DAP storage facility and decide for yourself if this is for typical agricultural use. The photo below was taken August 14 at 9:30 AM. 

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