Thursday, September 16, 2021

Planning Commission Work Session:
Proposed zoning changes for open top storage tanks

Thursday, September 16

Meeting starts 1:30 PM
The zoning of tank topic will take place around 3:00

County Council Chambers 
Government Office Building
Room 301
125 N. Division Street 

The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold an open work session concerning the zoning of open storage tanks, like the one on Porter Mill road, this afternoon. Planning and Zoning has twice presented proposed change to the County Council who had instructed them to move the zoning of such tanks out of the Agricultural District into the Industrial District. Both times P&Z left any new construction open to the Ag District with some restrictions. Since that is not what the CC directed them to do, therefore twice the CC rejected the P&Z resolution and told them to change the zoning strictly to the I-1 or I-2 Zone.

Now Planning and Zoning is taking the proposed zoning change, via the County Attorney Paul Wilber, directly to the Planning Commission. The Neighborhood Action Committee (NAG) does not know what those changes are. At some point NAG’s lawyer will state our assertion that any changes are NOT needed because the existing Code ALREADY addresses structures such as the foul DAF tank under the definition of a composting facility. He will inform the Planning Commission, some of whom may not have even heard of our situation, the zoning classification for the tank was just plain wrong and it should be removed from the Ag District. NAG’s official stand is that we don't want or need any amendments to the existing Code; we want it enforced as it reads now.

A member of the Wicomico Environmental Trust will also speak on our behalf. And any members of the community will have the opportunity to speak. We encourage our neighbors to attend the meeting and tell how the DAF tank has impacted our sense of safety, health and way of life over the past 2 years.

Here is a link to the Planning Commission's Agenda for this meeting.

Although the start time is 1:30 PM, the work session that we're interested in is last and probably won’t come up before 3:00. If you plan to go, 2:45-3:00 should get you there in plenty of time. You should inquire if you must sign in to speak since this is not a typical council meeting.

Any future zoning changes will not affect the tank on Porter Mill Road. What it will affect is NAG’s future legal proceedings. Supporters of NAG are strongly encouraged to attend. This is short notice, but our ability to speak at this meeting was not made clear to us.

For your information, here are the current members of the Planning Commission as listed on the Planning-Commission webpage:
  • Charles "Chip" Dashiell, Chairman
  • Scott Rogers, Vice Chairman
  • Jack Heath, City Council Representative
  • Joe Holloway, County Council Representative
  • James McNaughton
  • George Mandel Copeland
  • James Thomas

NAG is still fighting for all citizens of Wicomico County and must pay its legal bills. We need you to step up and support NAG!

Contributions to the Neighborhood Action Group should be sent to:


24790 Porter Mill Road

Hebron MD 21830

All contributions will remain anonymous and our books are open to show how we spend your money.

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